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Applied Mathematics and Statistics


Hyunwook Koh img
Hyunwook Koh


Hyunwook (Bob) Koh is the Graduate Program Director and an Assistant Professor in the Dept of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (AMS) at the State University of New York, Korea (SUNY Korea). He also serves on the committee for medical devices in the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of the Republic of Korea (2024. 5. 20 - 2026. 5. 19). He joined SUNY Korea in the fall semester of 2020. Before that, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Dept of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University. He earned his doctoral degree in biostatistics from New York University, master's degrees in applied statistics and biostatistics from Cornell University and the University of Southern California, and bachelor's degree in economics from Kyung Hee University. Dr. Koh is a biostatistician and has led research projects funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea and Incheon Technopark on statistical learning methods for microbiome-based causal mediation analysis and personalized medicine. 

Dr. Koh has published his research papers in a range of academic journals, such as Statistics in Medicine, Microbiome, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, BMC Microbiology, BMC Genomics, Frontiers in Genetics, Biology Methods and Protocols, Microbiology Spectrum, Scientific Reports, PLoS One, Bioengineering, Microorganisms, Nature Communications, Journal of Clinical Investigation, eLife Sciences, Bioinformatics, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, and so forth. He has also delivered a talk or organized a session at a variety of academic meetings, such as Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), Eastern North American Region (ENAR), International Conference on Statistics & Data Science (ICSDS), Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Probability & Statistics, Korean Statistical Society (KSS), American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), and so forth. 

  • Teaching: Dr. Koh teaches undergraduate classes, such as AMS 151 (Applied Calculus 1), AMS 310 (Survey of Probability and Statistics), AMS 380 (Data Mining) and AMS 394 (Statistical Laboratory), and graduate classes, such as AMS 572 (Data Analysis), AMS 578 (Regression Theory) and AMS 582 (Design of Experiments). 

  • Personal Background: Dr. Koh grew up on Jeju island, and then moved to Seoul for a college education. He has lived in the United States for about 12 years (2 years in Ithaca, 4 years in Los Angeles, 4 years in New York, and 2 years in Baltimore). He loves music, sports and food. 

Fields of Interest
Biostatistics, Causal Inference, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Human Microbiome, Personalized Medicine

His research papers can be found on the following websites:

Software Packages
His software packages can be found on the following websites: