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Applied Mathematics and Statistics

AMS Major Requirements

General Requirements

  1. 1Total Graduation Credits: 120 credits
  2. 239 Upper Division Credits: 39 credits
  3. 3Minimum Cumulative GPA: 2.0 or above

Required Courses

  1. 1AMS 151, AMS 161 Applied Calculus I, II
  2. 2AMS 210 or MAT 211 Applied Linear Algebra
  3. 3AMS 261 or MAT 203 Applied Calculus III

Note The following alternate calculus course sequences may be substituted for AMS 151, AMS 161 in major requirements or prerequisites:
MAT 125, MAT 126, MAT 127 or MAT 131, MAT 132 or MAT 141, MAT 142

Computing Course

  1. 1AMS 325 Computing and Programming Fundamentals in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (only if not being used to satisfy 3(d) below)
  2. 2CSE 101 Computer Science Principles
  3. 3CSE 114 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  4. 4ESG 111 Programming for Engineers

Upper Division Courses

27 credits of AMS courses numbered 301 and above, or approved non-AMS upper-division mathematically oriented courses, subject to the following constraints:

  1. 1AMS 301 Finite Mathematical Structures
  2. 2Either AMS 310 (Survey of Probability and Statistics) or AMS 311 (Probability Theory)
  3. 3Either AMS 315 (Data Analysis) or AMS 361 (Applied Calculus IV) or MAT 303 must be taken.
  4. 4Six additional courses (18 credits) of AMS courses numbered 301 level and above (including 500-level courses). At most, two of the six courses can be counted from the following courses: AMS 475, AMS 476, AMS 487, non-AMS upper division mathematically oriented courses. Typical non- AMS upper division mathematically oriented courses are ECO 321, ECO 348, CSE designated courses numbered 302 and above (excluding 312), and MAT designated courses numbered 310 and above.

Upper-Division Writing Course

  1. 1AMS 300
    • All degree candidates must demonstrate skill in written English at a level acceptable for Applied Mathematics and Statistics majors. AMS students must register for a course designated by the University as WRTD (e.g., AMS 300).


All courses taken to satisfy the above requirements must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a grade of C or higher.