Changsoon Park, Research Professor, B.S. in Computer Science and Statistics, Seoul National University, M.S. & Ph.D. in Statistics, 1984, Virginia Tech: Statistics; Statistical Quality Control.
Changsoon Park’s research interests are statistical process control, especially in multi-stage process monitoring, quality engineering, and structural equation modeling. After earning his Ph.D., he has worked in the Department of Applied Statistics, at Chung-Ang University, Seoul,.until 2017. His current research interest is mainly focusing on the unified approach of the statistical process monitoring. He visited Virginia Tech in 1990-1991, 1998, and Purdue University in 2006, as a visiting professor. He was the past President of the Korean Statistical Society (KSS), and the past Vice President of the Korean Society for Quality Management (KSQM). He is a permanent member of KSS and KSQM, and was a member of ASA, ASQ, and IEEE.