Search results for ‘12th’, 2,146 cases
Faculty Mentors!
tors have been assigned! All students within the BUS department have been assigned to a professor. Students must have a meeting with their assigned faculty at l...
News & Events > Notice
Intensive English Center (IEC)
n Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ), is the first American campus to be established in South Korea. After opening its doors five years ago, the campus has grown...
FIT Adjunct Professor for teaching FA 116: Creative Media
8년 봄학기(2월 말 개강)에 FA 116을 강의합니다. 지원서 검토는 12월에 시작되며, 2018년 1월 초에 채용이 결정될 예정입니다. 연봉과 직급은 학위와 경력을 기반으로 정해집니다. 채용을 위해 신원 조회가 진행됨을 유의하시기 바랍니다. 모든 지원서는2017년 11월 30일 까지...
Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Newly Created Mechanical Engineering Program at SUNY Korea
l Engineering Program at SUNY Korea ? ? The Department of Mechanical Engineering at SUNY Korea (State University of New York, Korea) invites applications for a ...
Chair, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
SUNY Korea: Chair, Applied Mathematics and Statistics ? ? SUNY Korea invites applications for the position of Chair of the Department of Applied Math...
Research Support, Admissions
2. Recruitment method: Open Competitive Recruitment (공개경쟁 채용) ? ? 3. Recruitment Schedule a. Application review: 2018. 3. 9(Fri) ~ 3. 15(...
1. Recruitment method: Open Competitive employment ? ? 2. Opening position: Librarian ? ? 3. Recruitment Schedule a. Application review: ...
External Relations, Strategic Planning, HR, General Affairs, IT, Resid…
. 11(Tue) - Result announcement: 2017.7.12(Wed) b. 1st round of interviews: 2017. 7. 14(Fri) - Result announcement: 2017.7.14(Fri) c. 2nd round of interviews: 2...
Admissions, IT, Web Designer/ Web Master and etc.
ication?review:?2017. 3. 24(Fri) ~ 4. 6(Thu) - Result?announcement:?2017.4.11(Tue) b. 1st round of?interviews:?2017. 4. 20(Thur) - Result?announcement:?2017.4.2...
Adecco Korea 'CEO for One Month'