Search results for ‘12th’, 2,146 cases
Professor Myoungshic Jhun selected as recipient of NRF research grant
rch Foundation research grant funded by the Ministry of Education for 2 years. His project is on?'Kernel ridge regression for ultra-high dimensional large-scale...
[Invitation from Hippie Korea] Boryeong Mud Festival
Mud Festival ^^ We offer you MudTrip at the beach with Mud Ticket Reservation, Cute Guide, Bag / Cloth Surveillance, Private Resting Spot with Parasol and Float...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
5 months internship at KOICA(**Korean)
청년인턴)?라. 활동기간 : 5개월 (2018. 8. 1.~ 2018. 12. 31.)?마. 활동내용? ㅇ KOICA 글로벌연수사업(국별, 다국, 석사 등) 각 과정별 모니터링 실시 및 결과보고서 작성? ㅇ 연수생 인터뷰 및 연수사업(CIAT) 웹진 기사 작성? ㅇ KOICA 연수기획실...
5 months internship at KOICA (**Korean)
청년인턴) 라.?활동기간?: 5개월?(2018. 8. 1.~ 2018. 12. 31.) 마.?활동내용 ㅇ?KOICA?글로벌연수사업(국별,?다국,?석사 등)?각 과정별 모니터링 실시 및 결과보고서 작성 ㅇ?연수생 인터뷰 및 연수사업(CIAT)?웹진 기사 작성 ㅇ?KOICA?연수기획실 및 ...
Internship at UNCITRAL-RCAP(**English)
The internships at UNCITRAL-RCAP are open for application at?the United Nations Careers Portal?(Job Opening Number: 9793...
Museum Opening Exhibition: Art of the in-between
? December 31, 2018 ? 1. Balloon Dress ‘The Land of Glorious Morning’ ? ?1987 Sul Yun Hyoung ? ?'The Land of Glorious Morning' is a dress created with various c...
Campus Life > SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume > Previous Exhibitions
BUS End-of-Semester Gathering
? On June 11th, 2018, BUS department held its End-of-Semester Gathering.? We took the time to come together and shared pizza and chi...
News & Events > Notice
5 months job recruitment at IGC Campus (**English)
rk as a period contract worker for 5 months. ? ? Salary:? - 2,500,000 KRW / month ? ? ? Period: - 2018.07 - 2018.11 (approximately 5 months), start from Aug is ...
6 months internship at GNM Foundation(**Korean)
■ 법인명: 재단법인 지앤엠글로벌문화재단 ■ 연혁: 2013년 1월 2일 설립되어, 현재까지 문화콘텐츠사업과 기금지원사업을 해 오고 있습니다.? ■ 미션: G&M 글로벌 문화재단은 한국과 아시아의 소외된 이웃을 섬...
Internship at EAAFP(**English)
trative&Finance Assistant/ IT Assistant The East Asian?Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) is an informal and voluntary Partnership that serves as the key i...