Search results for ‘12th’, 2,146 cases
3 weeks internship at WHO Collabroationg Center (**Korean)
Rehabilitation and Community Mental Health (WHO CC) was established in March of 2003. This center is the only one in South Korea that has been designated as col...
Part Time job at English Academy (**English)
l Language Instructor to start August 20th.? ? ? ? ★Student Age Groups Pre- School, K through 6 ? ★Working Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday ? ?4, Hour classes p...
Recruitment at CJ Healthcare (**Korean)
Supporters Needed for 48th IPCC at Songdo Convensia(**Korean)
제48차?IPCC(기후변화에 관한 정부간 협의체)?총회 서포터즈 모집 공고 ? ? 안녕하세요.?제48차?IPCC?총회 사무국입니다. ? ? IPCC는 세계기상기구(WMO)와 유엔환경계획(UNEP)이?1988년 공동...
6th Start-up School organized by Incheon Center for Creative Economy &…
) 09:30~10:00 ????개강식 개강식 및 오리엔테이 10:00~12:00 ????4차 산업혁명과 창업환경의 변화/ 4차 산업혁명의 융·복합 디지털 창업의 이해와 사례분석 13:00~15:00 ????창업아이템 선정 전략/ 창업아이디어 발굴 기법을 통한 아이디어 발굴 및 Deve...
The 2nd UNPOG Speech Contest
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
Staff Job Opportunities at SUNY Korea (상시채용 공지)
uality learning environment and advance the SUNY Korea mission. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SUNY Korea provides job opportunities in areas such as Academic & Student Affa...
Internship at DY Corp.(**Korean)
갖춘 제조업체입니다.??매출?6천억원(U$600 million)?종업원?1250명이며,?인도,?중국,?멕시코,?미국,?독일,?일본에?6개의 생산공장과?7개의 영업사무소를 가진 글로벌업체입니다. ? DY Corporation?/ (Namchon-dong), 36, Namdongseo-ro...
Internship at EAAFP_IT & Web Specialist (**English)
The East Asian?Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) is an informal and voluntary Partnership that serves as the key i...
Volunteer Intern at Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Center(Red Cross)…
Centre ? ? ? Post Title: Volunteer for the Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Centre Duration: 6 months (Full participant should be guaranteed ) 11?July ~ 31?Dec...