Search results for ‘Korea’, 1,433 cases
more Professor Hamid Hefazi's contribution to publishing a book
e State University of New York (SUNY) ? Korea. I received my PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Southern California (USC) in 1985. After workin...
News > News Center
[Recruitment] Summer 2021 Work-Study Program (~ 6/6)
Dear SUNY Korea Students, ? We are happy to present you?the?Summer 2021?Work-Study?Program.?The?Work-Study?Program?at?SUNY?Korea?i...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
Two Professors of AMS SUNY Korea received NRF Grant
Professor Young-Seon Lee has been selected as a recipient of the National Research Foundation research grant funded by ...
[Event] SUNY Korea x Songdo Hyundai Premium Outlet
SUNY Korea FIT is having a fashion show and exhibition at the Songdo Hyundai Premium Outlet this Saturday! Please visit and s...
News > News Center
External Relations Team, Finance & Accounting Team Intern
il May 31, 2022? ? 2) Salary based SUNY Korea salary regulation (Four basic insurance, meal expense included) ? ? ? ■?Application Method & Schedule ? ? ? - Appl...
SUNY Korea signed an MoU with IEGI
SUNY Korea signed an MoU with the Incheon East Asia Global Education Institute (IEGI) on Friday May 28th. The areas of cooper...
News > News Center
Spring 2021 Finals Countdown Dinner (6/7 OR 6/8)
Dear SUNY Korea Students, ? May's coming to an end and finals are around the corner! SUNY Korea's Student Services Office is plann...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
[Admission Event] Open House
SUNY Korea invites you to the Open House! ? Join us to learn more about our programs and have a chat with admission counselor...
News > News Center
[Event] SUNY Korea Kakao Channel Event with “ETS Korea”
Hello! This is SUNY Korea Admissions. ? Add our ‘SUNY Korea Admission’ Kakao Channel and get a chance to win a prize from ETS Korea! ? This ...
News > News Center
oordinator for Faculty of Sciences and Humanities and Library, Coordi…
iew ? May 27 ? June 9 ? Apply from SUNY Korea website ? ? June 11 ? Individual email?will be sent out to those who pass...