Search results for ‘Korea’, 1,679 cases
Staff Job Opportunities at SUNY Korea (상시채용 공지)
?? ? ? At SUNY Korea, we strive to recruit and develop talented people who can contribute to creating a high-quality learning environme...
News > Jobs 2018-07-09
Internship at DY Corp.(**Korean)
62beon-gil, Namdong-gu, Incheon, 21629, Korea ? 인턴기간:? 여름방학 기간중 6주 정도(협의가능) 인턴수당: 1,000,000/월?(교통비 포함,?점심식사 구내식당 별도 지원) 지원방법:로 7월12...
News > Notice 2018-07-06
Internship at Sony Interactive Entertainment Korea Inc.(**Korean)
터테인먼트코리아(Sony Interactive Entertainment Korea Inc.)에서?IS/IT 담당?인턴을 채용합니다.?글로벌 기업에서 IS/IT 업무를 경험하고자 하는?분들의 많은 지원을 바랍니다. *지원서가 접수되는 대로 즉시 검토 및 면접진행 예정입니다.(채용시 공고?...
News > Notice 2018-07-06
Internship at EAAFP_IT & Web Specialist (**English)
AAFP is located in Incheon, Republic of Korea and has the responsibility for coordinating the day to day work of the EAAFP, e.g. administration and communicatio...
News > Notice 2018-07-05
Volunteer Intern at Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Center(Red Cross)…
r, 2018 Duty Station: Incheon (Songdo), Korea??/ Seoul (Meyong-dong), Korea ? ? ? Background: ? With an increasing number of natural disasters and emerging huma...
News > Notice 2018-06-28
[Invitation from Hippie Korea] Boryeong Mud Festival
For any infos,?you may call our Hippie-Korea travel hotline:?010-8958-8588 What will be provided: - Bus Transportation - English/Korean Speaking Guide - Paraso...
News > Notice 2018-06-27
5 months internship at KOICA(**Korean)
2018년 하반기 KOICA 글로벌연수사업 모니터링 인턴 모집 우리 정부의 대외무상원조 전담기관인 한국국제협력단(KOICA)에서는 개발원조 분야 이해 증진 및 경력개발 기회 제공을 위해 2018년도 하반기 글로벌연...
News > Notice 2018-06-21
5 months internship at KOICA (**Korean)
2018년 하반기?KOICA?글로벌연수사업 모니터링 인턴?모집 ? ? ? ? 우리 정부의 대외무상원조 전담기관인 한국국제협력단(KOICA)에서는 개발원조?분야 이해 증진 및 경력개발 기회 제공을 위해?2018년도 ...
News > Notice 2018-06-21
Internship at UNCITRAL-RCAP(**English)
Duty Station: Incheon City, Republic of Korea). ? The internship positions are for a minimum duration of two months and a maximum duration of six months, with v...
News > Notice 2018-06-18
5 months job recruitment at IGC Campus (**English)
Wayne Inc., a Korean startup software company located at IGC Campus is hiring a?student who can work as a period contract worker for 5...
News > Notice 2018-06-11