Search results for ‘Korea’, 1,433 cases
[What To Do During COVID- 19? #3]Book Recommendations by DTS Professor
spend time as COVID-19 is ongoing? SUNY Korea DTS Department Professor Sira Maliphol shared three favorite books on his shelf. ? ? ? *Click here to watch to vid...
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Master's Program in Statistics
S) at the State University of New York, Korea (SUNY Korea) invites applications for the MS program in Statistics. ? ? Programs BS/MS Accelerated Program - BS an...
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Staff Job Opening_FIT Academic Team, SBU Academic Team
refer to the job description from SUNY Korea’s website ( ? - Applicants who are seeking entry-level jobs should refer to the ...
SBU Academic Team_English Program (IEC&PAE) Intern
interactions/relationships between SUNY Korea and New York campuses ? ? Create and maintain program records, reports, presentations and proposals ? ? Providing ...
more SUNY Korea FIT is featured on the Japanese Magazine Ginza
SUNY Korea FIT was referred to in the Japanese Magazine, Ginza as an institution that provides new options for students study...
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#12 SUNY Korea Undergraduate Students Working As Interns at NIMS
atics for the public. (Source: NIMS) In Korea, many students who study in this field want to work at NIMS, so the acceptance rate to get this position is very l...
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Planning & Budget Team Intern
riod: 6 months ? ? 2) Salary based SUNY Korea salary regulation (Four basic insurance, meal expense included) ? ? ? ■?Application Method & Schedule ? ? ? - Appl...
#11 Interview of Sang Hoon Kwak, a FBM Graduate
? [SUNY Korea Graduates on Various Career Journeys #1- Sang Hoon Kwak]? Founded in 1944 in Manhattan, Fashion Institute of Techn...
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Contest Opportunity: 2021 Student Entrepreneurship Festival
Inc., a start- up team founded by SUNY Korea’s proud alumni and students, has won a nomination for the Top 300 Promising Start- ups. Link:?Click here??
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2021 Intensive English Teacher Program
ing in this training program. With SUNY Korea DTS Professor Neal Dreamson as the director, the event is hosted by SUNY Korea to train teachers to expand their k...
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