Search results for ‘failure’, 26 cases
SUNY Korea Spring 2025 Scholarship/Financial Aid Applications Procedure
ceived by email will NOT be considered. Failure to submit the required documents as instructed and by the deadline will result in the automatic cancellation of ...
Academics > Academic Resources > Scholarship 2024-12-02
[Notice of Tender (입찰공고)] Classroom Lecture Equipment Purchase / 강의실 전자 강의 장비 구매
ng bid conditions and equipment status. Failure to do so is the responsibility of the bidder. Incomplete or unclear documents may result in rejection, and submi...
News > Notice 2024-11-25
[Notice of Tender (입찰공고)] SUNY Korea Library Remodeling Construction / SUNY Korea 도서관 리모델링 시공
ng bid conditions and equipment status. Failure to do so is the responsibility of the bidder. Incomplete or unclear documents may result in rejection, and submi...
News > Notice 2024-08-05
[Notice of Tender (입찰공고)] Adobe Creative Cloud Education License Procurement / Adobe Creative Cloud 교육용 라이선스 구매
ng bid conditions and equipment status. Failure to do so is the responsibility of the bidder. Incomplete or unclear documents may result in rejection, and submi...
News > Notice 2024-07-12
Dr. Hamid Hefazi’s Influential Contributions to the Maeil Business Newspaper
boundaries. Support them if they fail. Failures can be a powerful lesson as long as they learn from it. If students can benefit from counseling or support serv...
News > Newsroom 2024-07-05
[Notice of Re-tender (재공고입찰)] Printer Rental Service / 한국뉴욕주립대학교 프린터 및 복합기 임대
id conditions and equipment status, and failure to do so is the responsibility of the bidder. Incomplete or unclear submission documents may result in rejection...
News > Notice 2024-03-22
[Notice of Tender (입찰공고)] Printer Rental Service / 한국뉴욕주립대학교 프린터 및 복합기 임대
id conditions and equipment status, and failure to do so is the responsibility of the bidder. Incomplete or unclear submission documents may result in rejection...
News > Notice 2024-03-13
[Notice of Re-tender (재공고입찰)] PCs and Peripheral Devices Purchase (A313 Computer Lab) / PC및 주변기기 구매 (A313 컴퓨터랩)
id conditions and equipment status, and failure to do so is the responsibility of the bidder. Incomplete or unclear submission documents may result in rejection...
News > Notice 2024-03-07
[Notice of Tender (입찰공고)] PCs and Peripheral Devices Purchase (A313 Computer Lab) / PC및 주변기기 구매 (A313 컴퓨터랩)
id conditions and equipment status, and failure to do so is the responsibility of the bidder. Incomplete or unclear submission documents may result in rejection...
News > Notice 2024-02-20
#24 From SUNY Korea to BNL: The Journey of Prince-David Malendele
h Professor Changwoon Han on predicting failure in solder joints of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). A paper regarding that project was later published in the KSME...
News > Newsroom 2023-12-15