Search results for ‘Korea’, 1,433 cases
SUNY Korea Online Preview Week
SUNY Korea welcomes you to join us for the [SUNY Korea Online Preview Week]! ? ? Come talk to the professors, current student...
News > News Center
SUNY Korea Online Preview Week
SUNY Korea welcomes you to join us for the [SUNY Korea Online Preview Week]! ? ? Come talk to the professors, current student...
Apply Now > Start Your Application
SUNY Korea’s Application Support Center Successfully Held
SUNY Korea’s Application Support Center was successfully held on December 16-18 at COEX to help students with their Spring-Fa...
News > News Center
SUNY Korea’s Application Support Center Successfully Held
? SUNY Korea’s Application Support Center was successfully held on December 16-18 at COEX to help students with their Spring-Fa...
Apply Now > Start Your Application
Q21. How does the review process work?
Please contact SUNY Korea Admissions if you have any inquires about admissions. Phone: +82-32-626-1030 Email:
Undergraduate > FAQ
Q17. Is it necessary to move into a dormitory?
residence is mandatory for all new SUNY Korea students, including Transfer students.
Undergraduate > FAQ
Q15. When is the application deadline?
SUNY Korea Stony Brook University recruits new students every Spring and Fall semester. The Spring semester application perio...
Undergraduate > FAQ
Q13. What are the qualifications for scholarships or financial aid?
the applications is required. The SUNY Korea Scholarship Committee will review the application based on academic performance, extracurricular activities, honor...
Undergraduate > FAQ
Q10. When is my Stony Brook New York Campus residency?
completion of required courses at SUNY Korea. For more details, please contact
Undergraduate > FAQ
Q5. How do I submit recommendation letters? Can I submit more than one?
automatically sent to references. Both Korean and English recommendation letters are accepted. Applicants wishing to submit more than one recommendation letter...
Undergraduate > FAQ