Search results for ‘Korea’, 1,433 cases
SUNY Korea returns to in-person classes
Dear SUNY Korea Students, ? SUNY Korea’s COVID -19 Taskforce met on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, to review our current status. Follo...
News > News Center
Q1. Is a degree from SUNY Korea FIT equivalent to one awarded from the New York campus?
? SUNY Korea FIT offers the same curriculum as the main campus, and the same degree.
About Us > FAQ
Q2. Is SUNY Korea FIT a 2-year program?
? FIT Korea currently offers a two-year Associate’s Degree program. After receiving an Associate’s Degree, students may progre...
About Us > FAQ
Q3. How do I apply?
? You can apply online via the SUNY Korea website. ( · The required documents are a high school transcript; college or university...
About Us > FAQ
Q5. How can I submit my transcripts?
On the SUNY Korea FIT online application form, a scanned copy of the transcripts will suffice. ? Original copies of transcripts must...
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Q7. Do I need to submit my SAT/ACT scores?
nglish and Math placement exams at SUNY Korea FIT. To be waived from the placement exams, applicants must officially report their scores to FIT using the instit...
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Q12. Are there any scholarship or financial aid opportunities?
uld be submitted at the same time. SUNY Korea currently offers Presidential Scholarships, Provost Scholarships, Merit Scholarships, Encouragement Awards, and fi...
About Us > FAQ
Q14. Can I transfer to SUNY Korea FIT?
tory and on the classes offered at SUNY Korea FIT. Once the applicant is admitted and the admission deposit is paid, the applicant will receive confirmation inf...
About Us > FAQ
Spring 2022 Online Scavenger Hunt (3/25 - 4/4)
Dear SUNY Korea Students, ? We are happy to introduce you to?SUNY Korea's Spring 2022?Online?Scavenger?Hunt?again this year! Compl...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
2022 KOICA INNOPORT INNO-Lab B (Beginner) Program
his program will be conducted online in Korean. However, English communication will be required for the team matched with local experts.? ? ? Camp:?2022?KOICA?I...