Search results for ‘professors’, 16 cases
nspiration to the many fashion leaders, professors, and students who attended. The discussions led to casual networking and the growth of new concepts as attend... > News
orea community, including the students, professors, and staff, for their unwavering support and assistance in my journey. Life at SUNY Korea has shaped me into ... > Giving > Thank You Letter
nities for participants to network with professors and current students. The Business Management Department featured a lecture on Principles of Marketing by Pro... > News & Events
students. Our graduates hold prominent professorships in such universities as Stanford, Yale, Illinois, Texas, and Cornell. Some graduates continue into indust... > Academics > Graduate
students. Our graduates hold prominent professorships in such universities as Stanford, Yale, Illinois, Texas, and Cornell. Some graduates continue into indust... > Academics > Graduate > Program
n Has Received Amazon Research Awards ? Professors Niranjan Balasubramanian and Michalis Polychronakis, from the Department of Computer Science, have each recei... > News & Events
whose writing has been evaluated by PAE professors and who have been placed into a level appropriate for their English and writing abilities. SBU students are p... > Academic Programs
whose writing has been evaluated by PAE professors and who have been placed into a level appropriate for their English and writing abilities. SBU students are p... > Academic Programs > Academic Programs