Search results for ‘sign’, 752 cases
3 weeks internship at WHO Collabroationg Center (**Korean)
only one in South Korea that has been designated as collaborating center from WHO in the field of mental health. This center has been played role as a leading p...
Internship at EAAFP_IT & Web Specialist (**English)
nication materials; ? ·Finalizing the design of book of Site Network Status for the East Asian-Australasian Flyway; ? ·Carrying out other tasks matched to his/h...
Volunteer Intern at Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Center(Red Cross)…
of any information useful to the work assigned ·Experience working for both IFRC and Korean Red Cross headquarters ? ? ? Supervisor: First : Group leaders selec...
Mtree 2018 Summer Program
ur class needs.?? ? 9) Please download, sign (print your name + date) the consent form attached, and email by?Sunday, June 16th (deadline exte...
Start-Up Weekend: Fashion Innovation
-Ferreza (Department Chair of Fashion Design), and Selina Kang from LG Fashion. And the winner for this year's Start-up Weekend Incheon: Fashion Innovation was ...
News & Events > Notice
Math in Music
xisting musical instruments have been designed for the 12-TET, it would require much effort and time to modify them for a new music system. However, it is possi...
2018 Fall Resident Assistant Recruitment
ations, and employment dates. Fill out, sign, and email your application to? Remember to have your?faculty reference?fill out your character r...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
Invitation to Korean Culture Lecture from Hippie Korea
ely highly insightfull and Zen.Come and sign up on the link of the Seoul Global Culture Center^^.
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
FIT-Adjunct Faculty Position for Teaching MA 142: Geometry and the Art…
ationally renowned college of art and design, business and technology, of the State University of New York, invites nominations and applications for adjunct fac...
Faculty Positions in English Program at SUNY Korea
f US degree programs in STEM, fashion design, and management. Currently, our campus is expanding, and we are pleased to offer a new position as a Teaching Assis...