Search results for ‘sign’, 752 cases
#7 Johng-Ihl Lee from KOSIME
on. These strategies and policies are designed for enterprises and the aim is to foster development of convergence academics related to the real economy and tec...
News > News Center
2020 Spring Computer Lab Reservation & Open Hours
/?A314 for FIT students). You can start signing up for using the computer labs by sending an email to? Before you make a reservat...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
FIT - Fashion Business Management Adjunct Faculty Positions
ationally renowned college of art and design, business and technology, of the State University of New York, invites nominations and applications for adjunct fac...
Interview with Dr. Joseph Mitchell, Stony Brook AMS Chair ? Sign up for SUNY Korea's biweekly newsletter
FIT- Art History Adjunct Faculty Position
ernationally renowned college of art, design, business, and technology with a strong emphasis on liberal arts. SUNY Korea-FIT invites applications for an adjunc...
Disney on Broadway X FIT Design Challenge Exhibition
tute of Technology, creating a unique design challenge for students to reimagine contemporary designs for some of Disney on Broadway’s iconic female characters....
Campus Life > SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume > Previous Exhibitions
SUNY Korea MEC Students Win Award at National Engineering Contest
6. Their project, titled “Ceiling Fan Design: Efficiency Improvement” received third place. We recently spoke with Jihyun Baek (senior, MEC) about the project a...
About Us > News
Multiple Open Positions in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
uding but not limited to the areas of Design and Manufacturing, Dynamics, Mechatronics, Robotics and Thermal Sciences. Successful candidates must have earned do...
October 19, 2019
nvironments ?Proposing an Alternative Design and Assessing the Expected Impact" in the Humanitarian Activities Track within #IEEE....
About Us > News
IGC Housing Application for Continuing Students Spring 2020
The time has come to sign up for your next semester?housing! The?Housing?website?will take?applications from October 14-31:?
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events