Search results for ‘ECO108’, 750 cases
The Brachistochrone Problem: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory
Speaker :?Tan Cao, AMS SUNY Korea Place :?B203 Academic Building ? Optimal control theory is a branch of applied mathem...
[Seminar] The Brachistochrone Problem: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory
Speaker: Tan Cao, AMS SUNY Korea? Place: B203 Academic Building Time:?Mon, 11/25/2019 - 18:40 Abstract Optimal control ...
FIT- Math Adjunct Faculty Position
FIT- Math Adjunct Faculty Position ? ? ? Thank you for considering SUNY Korea - FIT in your search. ? ? ? About SUNY Ko...
Teaching Assistant Professors - Intensive English Center
Faculty Positions at SUNY Korea ? ? SUNY Korea, located in Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ), is the first American cam...
Special Exhibition: 52 Years of Kwang Ja Moon
September 24 ? November 22, 2019 Ever since I encountered Moomyung, the material that contains Korean sentiment, making...
Campus Life > SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume > Previous Exhibitions
Neural dynamics and computation: Does brain compute like a computer?
Speaker :?Il Memming Park, Department of Neurology and Behavior, Stony Brook University Place :?TBA ? How does the brai...
[Seminar] Neural dynamics and computation: Does brain compute like a computer?
Speaker: Il Memming Park, Department of Neurology and Behavior, Stony Brook University Place:?B203 Time:?Mon, 09/23/201...
Startup Weekend Incheon 2019 "Sustainable Fashion Innovation"
? On May 31-June 2, SUNY Korea hosted 'Startup Weekend Incheon' for the third year in a row.? Over 40 students from pro...
News & Events > Notice
Harvesting of Interacting Stochastic Populations
Speaker : Ky Tran, SUNY Korea Place :?B203 Academic Building ? In this talk, we analyze the optimal harvesting problem ...
[Seminar] Harvesting of Interacting Stochastic Populations
Speaker: Ky Tran, SUNY Korea Place: B203 Academic Building Time:?Mon, 06/03/2019 - 18:40 Abstract In this talk, we anal...