Search results for ‘mat122’, 1,154 cases
[Staff Job Opening]
attached?Job Description ? [Application Materials] Job Application form from SUNY Korea website >??SUNY Korea?Job?Website? Resume and Cover Letter, both in Engl...
Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty Positions in the Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering at SUNY Korea
versity (SBU) of SUNY. For further information please visit Current positions are targeted at the Assistant or Associate Professorship leve...
Teaching Faculty Positions in the Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering at SUNY Korea
versity (SBU) of SUNY. For further information please visit Current positions are targeted at the teaching faculty levels. We seek candidat...
Adjunct Faculty Positions in the Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering at SUNY Korea
versity (SBU) of SUNY. For further information please visit Current positions are targeted at the Adjunct Assistant or Associate Professors...
Full-Time Faculty Position in Intensive English Center (IEC)
chnological Systems Management, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Business Management, and Electrical Engineering from Stony Brook University (SBU) and associ...
SBU Wins Car Free Day Long Island Pledge Contest
itted to helping commuter students acclimate to campus, led the pledge drive and were responsible for a majority of the pledges received. “It was through their ...
News > News Center
Vault Korea Global Business Day
low and the attached file for more information.? ?? The?Vault?Korea?was established in 2017 to help globally-minded?Korean?startups by l...
SUNY Korea-FIT Adjunct Faculty Position in Fashion Design(Art/Apparel)
utilize technology and electronic information to deliver course materials to students. Demonstrate the ability to be responsive to industry changes and/or prac...
Immediate Job Opportunity: Samsung Biologics Quality Control Position
amsung.?Please read below for more information. Company:?Samsung?Biologics??Website?<--?Click?Here?? Location:?Songdo, Incheon Employment Type:?5 months contrac...
[Invitation] 2022 KIPA-UN DESA International Forum on “Public Administration and Governance for Sustainable Development in the Era of COVID-19”
and methods to leverage digital transformation to achieve the 2030 Agenda and address climate crisis. It will address two specific themes: i) Inquiring Innovati...
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