Search results for ‘korean’, 592 cases
5 months job recruitment at IGC Campus (**English)
Wayne Inc., a Korean startup software company located at IGC Campus is hiring a?student who can work as a period contract worker for 5...
News > Notice 2018-06-11
6 months internship at GNM Foundation(**Korean)
■ 법인명: 재단법인 지앤엠글로벌문화재단 ■ 연혁: 2013년 1월 2일 설립되어, 현재까지 문화콘텐츠사업과 기금지원사업을 해 오고 있습니다.? ■ 미션: G&M 글로벌 문화재단은 한국과 아시아의 소외된 이웃을 섬...
News > Notice 2018-06-11
Internship at EAAFP(**English)
me) ? ·Languages: Fluent in English and Korean ? ·Expected start date: July 2018 ? ·Reporting to: Deputy Executive Officer, Finance Officer ? ·Supervisor: Finan...
News > Notice 2018-06-11
Internship at UNOSD(**Korean)
국제기구 직업체험 프로그램? ? UNOSD의 모집 조건은 다음과 같습니다. ? 1. 기간 : 6월 25일 ~ 8월말 (가능하면 9월말까지) 2. 참가시간 : 9시 ~? 18시 (풀타임) 2. 주로 하게 되는 일 :...
News > Notice 2018-06-08
2018 Global Startup Campus Summer Internship (**English)
bility : Incheon Global Campus students(Korean students must have at least five years of experience abroad.) 3.?How to apply : Application form via E-mail, to?y...
News > Notice 2018-06-08
6 months internship at GCF(**Korean)
국제기구 직업체험 프로그램_GCF ? 1. 주 3회~? 5회, 1일 4시간 ~ 8시간 참가 가능자(참가시간 협의 가능) 2. 최소 6개월 이상 참가 가능한 학생 3. 영어 능통 4. 주로 하게 되는 일 - 행정보조...
News > Notice 2018-06-07
Job Opening Announcement
's degree ? 2) Fluent in English and in Korean (both speaking and writing) ? ? 5. Conditions 1) Contract period: One year contract and renewable with satisfacto...
News > Jobs 2018-06-07
Incheon Medical Tourism Supporters (Int'l Student Only)
ths) ○ Eligibility : SNS activities and Korean language ability, etc. (For too many applications, those who have more SNS followers and visitors will be chosen....
News > Notice 2018-05-31
Special Lecture about 'Hanok' organized by Hippie-Korea
Ix7BfN7z2jqod73 What made a German with Korean heritage interested in the Korean Architecture and traditional houses??We will understand his passion, insights a...
News > Notice 2018-05-30
Summer Field Practice at Incheon International Airport(**Korean)
2018년 하계 산학협력 현장실습 ㅇ?(실습기간)?’18. 6. 25.(월)?∼?’18. 8. 16.(목), 53일 ????-?실습45일 휴무8일(5일실습?1일휴무,?휴무연속사용 불가) ????-?공항운영특성상 평...
News > Notice 2018-05-29