Search results for ‘research’, 604 cases
How Camerin Stoldt Printed Her Way to a New Sartorial Language
method of questioning and studying and research and making that works for me,” she says. “So even in the future, if what I do make next looks different, it com...
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The Future of Textiles Is Collaborative: MIT and FIT Develop Transdisc…
(FIT) joined forces to advance textile research and to develop and employ sustainable fabrics of the future, they found that their work was so synergistic that...
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Representation Learning for Complex Data and My Experience after Math Major at Stony Brook University
h Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. Her research interests are in Machine Learning, deep learning, representation learning, and uncertainty quantification Abstr...
[Seminar] Representation Learning for Complex Data and My Experience after Math Major at Stony Brook University
h Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. Her research interests are in Machine Learning, deep learning, representation learning, and uncertainty quantification Abstr...
AMS Seminar Series
h Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. Her research interests are in Machine Learning, deep learning, representation learning, and uncertainty quantification ? Abs...
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Book Review : Resilience(혁신, 그리고 리질리언스(부제: 위기의 시그널을 깨뜨려라!))
developed strategies derived throughout research and analysis will materialized into policy in reality and also it will contribute to national competitiveness. ...
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SUNY Korea Graduate Online Application for the Spring 2022 Semester
your statement of purpose must include research plan, and?the type of?research that you expect to conduct while in the program, relating it to one of the?depar...
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SUNY Korea Graduate Online Application for the Spring 2022 Semester
your statement of purpose must include research plan, and?the type of?research that you expect to conduct while in the program, relating it to one of the?depar...
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Striving for Fluency in the Language of STEM
n gynecology clinic and doing intensive research in the field of OB-GYN. ? ? “I would also love to educate more people regarding gynecology, because I feel like...
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Quantum Computing Lab Is Building a Better Internet
oa ? the quantum information technology research leader in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University ? work to harness this behavior wit...
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