Search results for ‘A’, 2,773 cases
Career Experience Program at the A-WEB
Dear Students, ? We would like to share an opportunity for you to participate in a career experience program for internati...
News > Notice 2024-03-15
UN Internship Opportunity: Career Experience Program at the UNESCAP
Dear Students, ? We would like to share an opportunity for you to participate in a?career?experience program for?internati...
News > Notice 2024-03-15
One Day Work Opportunity at Aju Incentive
Dear Students, ? We would like to introduce?a one day work?opportunity at?AJU Incentive.? If you are interested, please re...
News > Notice 2024-03-15
Teaching Faculty Positions in the Department of Fashion Design FIT at SUNY Korea
Teaching Faculty Positions in the Department of Fashion Design FIT at SUNY Korea The Fashion Design Department at SUNY Kor...
News > Jobs 2024-03-14
[Mar.14, 2024] Government Science & Technology R&D Project Notice_(In Korean)
National Science & Technology Information Service 부처명 공고명 접수일 마감일 [과학기술정보통신부] 2024년 제2차 해외우수과학자유치사업(Brain Pool/Brain Pool...
News & Notices > Opportunities 2024-03-14
[KIET]Re-announcement of new support target tasks in the semiconductor field 2024
Please refer to?link?and search '반도체' for attachments and details. ?
News & Notices > Opportunities 2024-03-14
[Notice of Tender (입찰공고)] Printer Rental Service / 한국뉴욕주립대학교 프린터 및 복합기 임대
024.3.19.(화) 16:00 내 용 학교 홈페이지 공고 강의연구동 A418호 (인사총무팀) 강의연구동 A501호 ?? ?????※ 일정은 사정에 따라 변경될 수 있으며, 변경 시 사전에 전화 또는 이메일 통지를 드립니다. ??? 나. 제출 방법 : 우편 제출 (2024년 3월 19...
News > Notice 2024-03-13
Contest Opportunity at the APDRC
Dear Students, ? SUNY Korea CDC would like to introduce a contest opportunity at the?APDRC(Asia Pacific Disaster Resilienc...
News > Notice 2024-03-13
Internship Opportunity at Aptner
Dear Students, ? SUNY Korea CDC would like to introduce an internship opportunity at?Aptner.? ? ? As of February 2024, Apt...
News > Notice 2024-03-13
[Staff Job Opening] Finance Team_Intern
SUNY Korea SUNY Korea was established in March 2012 as the first American university system in Incheon, South Korea. In 2012, Sto...
News > Jobs 2024-03-13