Search results for ‘graduate’, 538 cases
SUNY Korea Adjunct Faculty Position in Geology
candidate will teach the following undergraduate Geology course. Being passionate about teaching and Geology is a must! ? ·GEO 102: The Earth (3 credits) ? A su...
Striving for Fluency in the Language of STEM
his will help the students once they’ve graduated and need to depend on their use of rhetoric in their professions, a practice not currently emphasized enough.”...
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Quantum Computing Lab Is Building a Better Internet
ears later, Figueroa and his team of 12 graduate students and two undergrads aim to develop and implement the first agnostic quantum repeater network.? ? ? “All...
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India Pagan Completes Her Landmark Olympic Journey
, yielding a bounty of memories for the graduate senior on the Stony Brook University women’s basketball team. ? ? ? Pagan became only the third Stony Brook ath...
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Alumnus Kevin Kwan Loucks Named CEO of Chamber Music America
Marketing Management from the Stanford Graduate School of Business’s Executive Education Program. ? ? ? “As a lifelong chamber musician and arts entrepreneur, ...
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Graduate Student Finds Challenges, Peace of Mind
Graduate student Johnnie Paola Cullinane has found another home at Stony Brook University, one that presents much-desire...
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Career Center Shares Faculty and Staff Career Stories and Advice
unprecedented times for recent college graduates, Peter Caprariello, professor in the College of Business, mentioned, “When there’s uncertainty, put your resum...
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SUNY Korea was featured on the special edition of the University News …
nt and outlook for prospective jobs for graduates; Dean of Student Affairs explains SUNY Korea’s special holistic education; alumni interviews and much more. Th...
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#14 Interview of Rediet, SUNY Korea CS Graduate
curious to find out what SUNY Korea CS graduates are up to after graduation? Please check out the story of Rediet, a CS graduate at SUNY Korea. ? Could you bri...
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New Freshman student at SUNY Korea’s Computer Science Department featu…
tudy computer science ? Kyung Kook is a graduate from Songdo High School, a high school that highly emphasizes the study of the sciences. Although he was not pa...
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