Search results for ‘12’, 436 cases
2021 IGC Career Fair - Alumni Festival
& Date on the Calendar Now!* ??Time:?10-12pm?/ 1-5pm? ??Venue: via Gather Town (Online?Metaverse?Platform)? ?RSVP??Click?Here?to?RSVP?by?(RSVP?Deadline:?Friday,...
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Staff Job Opening_FIT Academic Team, SBU Academic Team
Review ? Application deadline? ? Sept. 12 ? Apply from SUNY Korea website ? ? Sept. 17 ? Individual email?will be sent...
#12 SUNY Korea Undergraduate Students Working As Interns at NIMS
? Mathematics serve a significant role in our daily lives. National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS 국가수리과학연구소...
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2021 Intensive English Teacher Program
place online from July 26 to August 6. 12 teachers who are teaching English in Incheon public middle and high schools are participating in this training progra...
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SBU Researchers Studying Mercury Levels Under Ice
May 12, 2021 Scientists at Stony Brook University, the University of Vermont and Dartmouth College have been studying mercur...
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Stronger Together Update (July 6, 2021)
am Social tomorrow ? Wednesday, July 7, 12-2 pm ? outside the Stony Brook Union? (rain location: Student Union lobby). Student Affairs will also be hosting an O...
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Preeti Arya Talks Sustainable and Performance Fabrics
?May 12, 2021 Dr. Preeti Arya, assistant professor of Textile Development and Marketing, has become a go-to source for journa...
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[재입찰공고] 인천경제자유구역청 혁신생태계 조성사업의 물류 혁신 클러스터 조성을 위한 물류기업 및 현장 수요조사 용역
찰참가자격 ??가.?「국가를 당사자로 하는 계약에 관한 법률 시행령」 제12조 및 같은 법 시행규칙 제14조에 결격사유가 없는 업체 나.?「국가종합전자조달시스템 입찰참가자격등록규정」에 의하여 반드시 나라장터(G2B)에?입찰서 제출마감일 전일까지?학술·연구용역(업종코드?: 1169)?업종...
Public Notice on Tendering > Public Notice on Tendering
Adjunct Faculty Position in Meteorology
in Korea. Since its establishment in 2012, SUNY Korea has made tremendous progress both in its quantity and quality of education. SUNY Korea, as an extension c...
[입찰공고] 한국뉴욕주립대학교 대표 및 학과 홈페이지 개편 구축 용역(재입찰)
자 ? -??????「국가를 당사자로 하는 계약에 관한 법률 시행령」 제12조 및 동법시행규칙 제14조 규정에 의한 경쟁 입찰 참가자격을 갖춘 자로서,?「소프트웨어산업 진흥법」 제24조 의한 소프트웨어사업자(컴퓨터관련서비스사업_1468)로 신고한 자 ? -??????「국가를 당사자로 하...
Public Notice on Tendering > Public Notice on Tendering