Search results for ‘il’, 335 cases
dents teach in a class or laboratory until they have met Stony Brook University’s speak competency requirements. A native speaker of English is someone who lear... > Academic Programs > SBU Graduate Courses > Writing Placement
opriate for their English and writing abilities. SBU students are placed in one of four levels in the writing program ? WAE 192 High Intermediate Writing Academ... > Academic Programs > Academic Programs
by enhancing their academic language skills. Students receive instruction in critical thinking, essay writing, oral presentations, note-taking, and listening c... > Intensive English Center (IEC)
by enhancing their academic language skills. Students receive instruction in critical thinking, essay writing, oral presentations, note-taking, and listening c... > Intensive English Center (IEC) > Intensive English Center (IEC)
by enhancing their academic language skills. Students receive instruction in critical thinking, essay writing, oral presentations, note-taking, and listening c... > Intensive English Center (IEC) > Intensive English Center (IEC) > Overview
ely with writers, emphasizing the key skills that will permanently improve their writing. Writers of all skill levels and at any stage of the writing process ar... > Student Support
ely with writers, emphasizing the key skills that will permanently improve their writing. Writers of all skill levels and at any stage of the writing process ar... > Student Support > Writing Center
ely with writers, emphasizing the key skills that will permanently improve their writing. Writers of all skill levels and at any stage of the writing process ar... > Student Support > Writing Center > Overview