Search results for ‘Building’, 243 cases
Introduction to the theory of zeta functions
tional University Place :?B103 Academic Building ? The prime number theorem is that the number of prime numbers less than?X is asymptotic to X/log X, conjecture...
Model-Based Recursive Partitioning of Extended Redundancy Analysis with Applications to Nicotine Dependence and Obesity Data among US adults
aker :?Sunmee Kim Place :?B204 Academic Building ? Extended redundancy analysis (ERA) is used to reduce multiple sets of predictor variables to a smaller number...
DASAN CONFERENCE 2018-Science, Technology and Innovation for the Inclusive Society
y in ODA for Sustainable Development 3. Building a Global Network for Development Cooperation and Innovation in Agriculture and Environment 4. Science and Techn...
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A Ramsey-type theorem for the matching number regarding connected graphs
f Foreign Studies Place :?A312 Academic Building ? A major line of research is discovering Ramsey-type theorems, which are results of the following form: given ...
Predicting the Unpredictable
tional University Place :?A312 Academic Building ? In many areas people want to predict the Nature of interest such as weather prediction, ocean forecasting, an...
Alternating barrier options with icicles in financial markets
Korea University Place :?B204 Academic Building ? This talk introduces a new class of barrier options and its variations. We call the new class of options as t...
Math in Music
er :?Hongshik Ahn Place :?C103 Academic Building ? In this research, we studied the 12 tones equal temperament (TET) which consists of the modern music system a...
Packing and Covering Graph Objects
tional University Place :?B204 Academic Building ? Abstract In discrete structure, sometimes we want to pack many objects to a host structure. When we fail to p...
Before the Numbers
ker :?Alex Krejci Place :?B204 Academic Building ? Our world is increasingly filled with numbers ? news reports are providing more statistics, Facebook feeds ar...
Graph Theory
ngyoon Hyun, KIAS Place :?B204 Academic Building ? Title : Strongly regular graphs and related combinatorial objects ? In this talk, we mainly deal with the wel...