Search results for ‘TA’, 2,189 cases
Research Support, Admissions
t of followings: - Falsity / Crucial mistakes on documentation - Deadline miss - Out of contact c. If we do not find a strong candidate, there might be a chance...
News > Jobs 2018-03-15
t of followings: - Falsity / Crucial mistakes on documentation - Deadline miss - Out of contact c. If we do not find a strong candidate, there might be a chance...
News > Jobs 2018-03-15
External Relations, Strategic Planning, HR, General Affairs, IT, Resid…
t of followings: - Falsity / Crucial mistakes on documentation - Deadline miss - Out of contact c. If we do not find a strong candidate, there might be a chance...
News > Jobs 2018-03-15
Admissions, IT, Web Designer/ Web Master and etc.
mats won't be?accepted.) ? ? 7. OTHER DETAILS a. Submitted documents will not be returned. b. you may get disqualified as follow : -?falsity/mistakes?of documen...
News > Jobs 2018-03-15
Intern at UNDP/GEF YSLME (**Korean)
기소개서는?자유?양식이지만?Personal Information, Contact Detail, Work experience, Education, Skills, Languages가?포함되어?있어야?함. (자세한?내용은?첨부파일?참조) ? ? 영문?이력서와?커버레터를?Careercenter...
News > Notice 2018-03-14
[Military Manpower] Reserve Forces (Korean Male Only)
훈련 보류/해소 훈련 보류 방침 예비군대원은 향토예비군설치법 제5조(동원), 제6조(훈련)과 국방부 지침에 의거 동원 또는 훈련의 전부 또는 일부를 보류할 수 있다. 보류대상자는 소정의 절차에 따라 소속 예비군지휘...
News > Notice 2018-03-14
Bill Hwang Library Naming Ceremony
ercy Foundation and CEO of Archegos Capital Management.? Mr. Bill Hwang, the CEO of Archegos Capital Management, has been supporting and donating SUNY Korea for...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-14
#4 Vasundhara from India
as young graduates, don’t know how to start or what to do about it. My goal is to keep taking positive actions and some steps in the direction I believe to be ...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-13
#3 Sanju from Sri Lanka
UNY Korea. After the graduation, Sanju started working at an IT company as an engineer, and he built an excellent reputation for being hard-working, responsible...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-13
#2 MinJoon from Korea
re family and friends are around me but take classes in English at the same time.? How was your university experience?? Overall, it was great and fantastic. I m...
News > Newsroom 2018-03-13