Search results for ‘of’, 343 cases
g been taken at Stony Brook. Completion of the major requires approximately 80 credits. 2 All courses in the major must be taken for a letter grade. 3All course...
> Academics > Undergraduate > Degree Requirements > Computer Science Major Requirements
d either CSE 214 or CSE 215 with grades of C or higher. The minor requires seven CSE courses totaling 22 to 24 credits as outlined below. Students who have decl...
> Academics > Undergraduate > Degree Requirements > Computer Science Minor Requirements
epare for Life-Long Learning categories of the SBC by completing CSE 316 and CSE 416...
> Academics > Undergraduate > Degree Requirements > Computer Science Sample Course Sequence
ondi Email:? Office: B422...
> Academics > Undergraduate > Academic Advising
is consistently ranked in the top third of research departments in North America. The program has about 50 faculty and close to 500 graduate students, almost eq...
> Academics > Graduate
is consistently ranked in the top third of research departments in North America. The program has about 50 faculty and close to 500 graduate students, almost eq...
> Academics > Graduate > Program
gned primarily to train students with professional goals in business, industry, or government, requiring a detailed knowledge of computer science concepts and a...
> Academics > Graduate > M.S. Computer Science
dents a rigorous and thorough knowledge of a broad range of theoretical and practical research subject areas and develops the ability to recognize and pursue si...
> Academics > Graduate > Ph.D. Computer Science