Search results for ‘The’, 347 cases
een taken at Stony Brook. Completion of the major requires approximately 80 credits. 2 All courses in the major must be taken for a letter grade. 3All courses i... > Academics > Undergraduate > Degree Requirements > Computer Science Major Requirements
The minor in Computer Science is open to all students not majoring in either Computer Science or Information Systems or ... > Academics > Undergraduate > Degree Requirements > Computer Science Minor Requirements
Elective 3 Total 15 Notes SBC refers to the following (five) categories: HUM, SBS, ARTS, USA, GLO Students may satisfy the Pursue Deeper Understanding and Prepa... > Academics > Undergraduate > Degree Requirements > Computer Science Sample Course Sequence
cience Major at SUNY Korea can apply to the Accelerated B.S./M.S. Program (also called "5-year program"). For detailed information on admissions/deadlines, etc.... > Academics > Undergraduate > Accelerated BS/MS program
jors are encouraged to seek advice from their advisor whenever they have questions about their progress, grades or courses. The sources for advice are: the depa... > Academics > Undergraduate > Academic Advising
The Stony Brook University's graduate program is consistently ranked in the top third of research departments in North A... > Academics > Graduate
The Stony Brook University's graduate program is consistently ranked in the top third of research departments in North A... > Academics > Graduate > Program
The M.S. program is designed primarily to train students with professional goals in business, industry, or government, r... > Academics > Graduate > M.S. Computer Science