Search results for ‘il’, 1,753 cases
On Distance-Regular Graphs and Their Generalizations
yook Park, KIAS Place :?B206 Academic Building ? A?t-walk-regular?graph?is?a?graph?for?which?the?number?of?walks?of?given?length?between?two?vertices?depends?on...
Vision of Blockchain (DLT) and Cryptocurrency
Prosfero Group Place :?B203 Academic Building ? Abstract: This seminar will help to understand how virtual assets are becoming real. The total market capitaliz...
Three Ph.D. students won Korea Data Science Challenge for Cyber-security
really fought hard and went the extra mile to reach the stars.?Please join us in congratulating these students and faculty for their hard work and exceptional ...
News & Events > News Highlights
LEAD Lab teams participating in IEEE Student Paper Competition
earch Achievement Day. See?here?for details. Bao Tran Truong and Lakmi Kulathunga?won?a Gold prize and Joshua Han and Nuwan Werellagama won a Bronze in the comp...
News & Events > News Highlights
Shahroz Tariq's team won the Most Outstanding Project prize
ure Square Korea and?Hubba?community Thailand. This year’s?hackathon?theme was “Save the Earth for Future Generations”. The?hackathon?spanned over 3 days and 2 ...
News & Events > News Highlights
SUNY Korea Computing Society Starts Off with a Quiz Night
that back in Stony Brook there is a similar group called the Stony Brook Computing Society (SBCS) that has been around for many years and has thousands of memb...
News & Events > News Highlights
A Note in DP-Coloring
nkuk University Place :?B204 Academic Building ? ?
Statistical Methods to Analyze Systems Biology Data
ee, Korea Univ. Place :?B203 Academic Building ? ?
Professor Suil O selected as recipient of NRF research grant
? Professor Suil O has been selected as a recipient of a National Research Foundation research grant funded by the Ministry of Educati...
Serendipity and Invention
aker :?Moon Suh Place :?B204 Academic Building ? “Serendipity is looking in a haystack for a needle, and discovering a farmer's daughter.” ??Julius H. Comroe Jr...