Search results for ‘12th’, 406 cases
mplete AMS 261, 301, 310, and WRT 101 with a passing grade in Songdo before arriving in Stony Brook Must have a GPA of 2.0 or above Students will be required to...
> Undergraduate > SBU Visit
Accelerated BS/MS Program The accelerated Bachelor of Science-Master of Science allows a student to earn the BS and MS degrees in five years. Only...
> Undergraduate > BS/MS Program
tic Models AMS 560 Big Data System CSE 512 Machine Learning CSE 518 Foundations of Human Computer Interactions CSE 532 Theory of Database Systems CSE 540 Theory...
> Graduate
tic Models AMS 560 Big Data System CSE 512 Machine Learning CSE 518 Foundations of Human Computer Interactions CSE 532 Theory of Database Systems CSE 540 Theory...
> Graduate > Master’s Program in Statistics
tic Models AMS 560 Big Data System CSE 512 Machine Learning CSE 518 Foundations of Human Computer Interactions CSE 532 Theory of Database Systems CSE 540 Theory...
> Graduate > Master’s Program in Statistics > Program Overview
572 Data Analysis I Prerequisite: AMS 412 or permission of instructor AMS 573 Categorical Data Analysis Prerequisite: AMS 572 AMS 578 Regression Theory Prerequ...
> Graduate > Master’s Program in Statistics > Course List
Applying to the Program We are excited that you are considering our Graduate Program. We offer admission to the M.S. and Ph.D. Progr...
> Graduate > Master’s Program in Statistics > Admissions
am in Data Science features 36 credits (12 courses) including 10 core courses and 2 electives.? Students are expected to complete their MS program in 3 to 4 sem...
> Graduate > Master’s Program in Data Science