Search results for ‘To’, 2,317 cases
MS & PhD Relocation to Stony Brook Forms and Guidelines
MS & PhD Relocation to Stony Brook Forms and GuidelinesStudents seeking to relocate to Stony Brook either temporarily or permanently must be...
Academics > Graduate > Documents & Forms 2021-12-07
Doctoral Defense Announcement Form
Doctoral Defense Announcement Form This form must be filled out?electronically?(MS Word) by Ph.D. students 4 weeks before T...
Academics > Graduate > Documents & Forms 2021-12-07
Ph.D. Research Proficiency Examination (RPE) form
oad (RPE) form in?MS Word format. Prior to taking an RPE, students must download and fill out this form.In the document you must fill in your name, date of the ...
Academics > Graduate > Documents & Forms 2021-12-07
Permission to take CSE 587
Permission to take CSE 587 Taking an undergraduate course under the CSE 587 designation requires an approval of the Graduate Academ...
Academics > Graduate > Documents & Forms 2021-12-07
Permission to Enroll in a Computer Science Course
Permission to Enroll in a Computer Science Course Students seeking to enroll in a Computer Science or Information Systems course mu...
Academics > Graduate > Documents & Forms 2021-12-07
M.S. & Ph.D. Advisor Selection or Change form
opriate signatures, and return the form to the Graduate Secretary. A Ph.D. student must select an advisor by the end of the second semester in the program. Chan...
Academics > Graduate > Documents & Forms 2021-12-07
M.S. Basic Project Approval Form
ed form and get it signed by the instructor of the class and turn it in to the Graduate Secretary for your file. This will keep a record of what course you did....
Academics > Graduate > Documents & Forms 2021-12-07
Permission for Undergraduate Students (not Accelerated or Combined students) to Enroll in Graduate Courses
(not Accelerated or Combined students) to Enroll in Graduate Courses?
Programs > Masters > Student Forms 2021-12-07
TSM Major SBC Requirements
(Contact DTS Coordinator)
Programs > Masters > Student Forms 2021-12-07
Emily Carll ’20 Selected for Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship
Stony Brook alumna Emily Carll ’20, who majored in Political Science and Asian and Asian-American Studies, has been selec...
News > Newsroom 2021-12-07