Search results for ‘of’, 2,288 cases
Job Opportunities: Dataforce by TransPerfect Part - time & Full-time Jobs (Deadline: Open until filled)
Perfect is the world’s largest provider of language and technology solutions for global business with offices in more than 100 cities worldwide, and DataForce i...
News > Notice
[Staff Job Opening]
[Open Positions] Team / Position Number of employees Condition Office of the President / Assistant to the President for Budgetary Management? 0 One-year contrac...
News > Jobs
[Staff Job Opening] Research Support Team Intern
?[Open Position] Team / Position Number of?employees Condition Research Support Team / Intern 0 Contract period: 6?months ? [Recruitment Schedule] Oct. 26. ~ un...
News > Jobs
Recruiting: 2022-2023 American Diplomacy House Academy Program Participants
ted in the region. The ADH Network will offer an academy program for 10 months based on the concept of 'Diplomacy' for college students who wish to?become leade...
News > Notice
Stony Brook Council Member Father Karloutsos Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom
? Father Alexander Karloutsos, a member of the?Stony Brook Council, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the White House on July 7 for his work as a sp...
News > Newsroom
College of Business Research Paper on Omission Bias Wins JCA Best Paper Award
Stony Brook University?College of Business?researchers Gary Sherman, Stacey Finkelstein and Paul Connell, along with coauthors at American University, ...
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Stony Brook Medicine Awarded Grant to Expand Adult Falls Prevention Programs
role in the capacity and sustainability of older adult falls prevention programs across Long Island, while enhancing statewide efforts and informing best practi...
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PhD Candidate Wins Association for Women in Science Scholarship
ilal, a PhD candidate in the?Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering?at Stony Brook University, has been awarded a 2022?Association for Women in Scien...
News > Newsroom
Elena Romero Honored with Second Telly Award for On-Air Work
Elena Romero, assistant professor of Advertising and Marketing Communications, has won a second Telly Award for her work on the CUNY TV show?LATiN...
News > Newsroom
The Newly Elected Incheon City Councilmen's Visit to SUNY Korea
Campus Universities. There were a total of eleven people including the seven councilmen and four industry board directors.? As part of the tour provided by IGC,...
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