Search results for ‘Korea’, 1,433 cases
BUS - Tenure-track Faculty Position in Marketing
ck Faculty Position ? Marketing at SUNY Korea ? ? ? l???Position Title:?Tenure Track?Marketing Faculty Position ? l???Position Location: Songdo, Incheon, Korea ...
FIT - Adjunct Faculty Position in Fashion Design
Fashion Institute of Technology at SUNY Korea ? ? ? About Fashion Institute of Technology: ? ? ? The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), an internationally r...
FIT - Math Adjunct Faculty Position
tion ? ? Thank you for considering SUNY Korea-FIT in your search. ? ? ? ? About SUNY Korea-FIT: SUNY Korea was established by the Korean Government as the first...
Recruitment] 2020 Fall Resident Assistant (RA)
The SUNY Korea Residential College is?recruiting?Residential Hall Resident Assistants (RAs) for the 2020 Fall Semester.? Make a d...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
Part-time/Full-time Professor - Biology
me Professor - Biology ? ? ? About SUNY Korea: ? SUNY Korea is the first American university in Korea established in 2012. SUNY Korea offers seven Undergraduate...
Staff Job Opening Announcement_Admissions Team&Public Relations Team
pr. 27 ? May 11, 2020 ? Apply from SUNY Korea website?(링크) ? ? May 15, 2020 ? Individual email?will be sent out to thos...
AMS Adjunct Faculty Position
AMS Adjunct Faculty Position ? ? ? SUNY Korea seeks applicants for an adjunct faculty position in the field of mathematics from fall 2020.??SUNY Korea is a glob...
#7 Johng-Ihl Lee from KOSIME
Planning and External Relations at SUNY Korea, serves as the director of KDI (International Business Administration) at SUNY Korea. He is one of the top experts...
News > News Center
2020 Spring Computer Lab Reservation & Open Hours
Dear Student, ? SUNY Korea Academic Team would like to introduce the reservation services for using the computer labs (A313 for SBU students/...
Campus Life > Student Services > Notices & Events
FIT - Fashion Business Management Adjunct Faculty Positions
? Thank you for considering FIT at SUNY Korea in your search. ? ? ? About Fashion Institute of Technology: ? The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), an inter...