Search results for ‘12’, 436 cases
[Mar.25, 2024] Government Science & Technology R&D Project Notice (In Korean)
bal Centers Program) 2024.03.14 2024.06.12 [과학기술정보통신부] 2024년 지역 자율형 디지털 혁신프로젝트 사업공모 2024.02.07 2024.03.26 [과학기술정보통신부] 2024년 메타버스 랩 지원사업 공고 2024.03.04 2024.03.29...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Student Reporter] Multi-disciplinary Book Club at SUNY Korea: Building a Community Connected by Books
every Wednesday during lunchtime, from 12 PM to 1 PM, to listen to audiobooks and engage in in-depth discussions. Over the past four weeks, participants immers...
News > News Center
[Mar.20, 2024] Government Science & Technology R&D Project Notice_(In Korean)
천기술국제협력개발사업 (이차전지 공동연구) 신규과제 공모 2024.03.12 2024.03.26 [과학기술정보통신부] 범부처 통합연구지원시스템(IRIS) 데이터 이관 용역(1단계) 2024.02.22 2024.04.03 [산업통상자원부] 2024년도 산업 및 에너지 협력개발지원(ODA)...
News & Notices > Opportunities
English Proficiency in Korea
iciencies are categorized as very high (12 countries), high (18 countries), moderate (33 countries), low (27 countries), and very low (23 countries).? The repor...
News > News Center
[Mar.18, 2024] Government Science & Technology R&D Project Notice_(In Korean)
bal Centers Program) 2024.03.14 2024.06.12 [과학기술정보통신부] 2024년 지역자율형디지털실증지원사업(스마트물류, AI기반 어장공간정보, 농식품 메타버스) 통합공고 2024.02.01 2024.03.18 [방위사업청] 연구개발 시제업체 선정을 위한 제안...
News & Notices > Opportunities
[Mar.15, 2024] Government R&D Project Notice_(In Korean)
소재기술개발사업 신규과제 선정계획 2차 재공고(경쟁형) 2024-03-12 지정공모,품목지정공모 2024-03-12 ~ 2024-03-25 산업통상자원부 > 한국산업기술기획평가원 2024년도 반도체분야 신규지원 대상과제 재공고 2024-03-11 품목지정공모 2024-03-11 ~ 2...
News & Notices > Opportunities
Career Experience Program at the UNDRR
ing those who graduated within the last 12 months)? - Those with Korean Nationality only - No prior participation in any of the past programs hosted?by the UN -...
Career Experience Program at the A-WEB
ated to election management, comprising 121 Election Management Bodies (EMBs) from 111 countries. Since its establishment in 2013, A-WEB has tirelessly pursued ...
UN Internship Opportunity: Career Experience Program at the UNESCAP
ing those who graduated within the last 12 months)? - Those with Korean Nationality only - No prior participation in any of the past programs hosted?by UN - (Pr...
[Mar.14, 2024] Government Science & Technology R&D Project Notice_(In Korean)
[방위사업청] 저온 성형 탄소섬유 강화 복합소재 시험평가 2024.03.12 2024.04.02 [산림청] 미이용 산림바이오매스 제도 및 국내 산림바이오매스 시장 모니터링 2024.03.22 2024.03.26 [교육부] 미래지향적 장학 개념 정립을 위한 정책 연구 용역 2024.03....
News & Notices > Opportunities