Search results for ‘MAT123’, 1,279 cases
Remote Internships: How Did They Go?
August 25, 2020 ? ? Internships, a signature component of the FIT experience, are still going strong during the pandemi...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-04
Faculty Experts Predict Six Pandemic Trends
JANUARY 19, 2021 ? ? The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we buy, the way we dress, even the way we design our hom...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-04
[Career Center] 2월1주차 인턴십 및 공모전 Key Internship & Contest Opportunities
Dear Students,? ? ? We highlight to you a list of noteworthy?contest and internship opportunities,?which are actively r...
News > Notice 2021-02-03
Professor Joel Hurowitz Celebrates Third Mars Rover Milestone
July 29, 2020 ? ? For the third time in his career, Joel Hurowitz, assistant professor in the Department of Geosciences...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-03
Stony Brook Rated a Top University for Reducing Inequalities
August 5, 2020 Stony Brook University is among the top 100 universities in the world for reducing inequalities in highe...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-03
Postdocs Power AI Research at Stony Brook
January 26, 2021 ? ? Postdoctoral researchers play a special role in academic research, bringing in new ideas and energ...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-03
[Career Center] IGC커리어부트캠프: Winter 2021 IGC Career Boot Camp
Dear Students, ? SUNY Korea CDC is proud to announce our first comprehensive, inspiring?Winter 2021?IGC?Career Boot Cam...
News > Notice 2021-01-28
[Career Center] 1월4주차 인턴십 및 공모전 Key Internship & Contest Opportunities
Dear Students,? ? ? SUNY Korea Career Development Center (SUNY Korea CDC) highlights to you a list of noteworthy contes...
News > Notice 2021-01-28
SUNY Korea signed an MOU agreement with CMIS Canada
SUNY Korea signed an MOU agreement with CMIS Canada on Monday January 25, 2021. On the day of the agreement, SUNY Korea...
News > Newsroom 2021-01-26
Dr. Chihmao Hsieh’s contribution to the Maeil Business Newspaper
How can Korea’s Social Culture Evolve to Support its Entrepreneurship Education? ? Written by Dr. Chihmao Hsieh (Profes...
News > Newsroom 2021-01-21