Search results for ‘part’, 1,212 cases
SUNY Korea Information Session for the Counselor Committee of IMOE
r support committee, 'Priming Water‘, a part of the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education (IMOE). ? ? ? ? The event inaugurated the appointment ceremony of ‘...
News > Newsroom 2021-03-04
[FD]Prof. Koo's Innovative Use of CLO3D and AI Deep Learning to Analyze Pandemic-Era Fashion Trends
o study evolving trends. His recent two-part series in SEN Money, which discusses the application of the 3D design software CLO3D and AI deep learning technique...
About > Research Highlights 2021-03-02
SUNY Korea Introduction Video on Uway YouTube Channel
video of SUNY Korea (separated into two parts) has been uploaded on Uway YouTube Channel. Detailed information which includes main majors at SUNY Korea, employm...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-15
Remote Internships: How Did They Go?
verman, chair of Internship Studies?a department that offers courses that help prepare students for their internships?says to keep learning. “Employers are goin...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-04
FIT’s Top 10 Stories of 2020
producing, acting, and other essential parts of the TV biz, we listed some of the shows they worked on. ? ? 8. Three FIT Students Awarded Gucci Changemaker Sch...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-04
[Career Center] 2월1주차 인턴십 및 공모전 Key Internship & Contest Opportunities
keting Designer Intern (D-5) 2 Hiring Departments:?Video Design and Contents Marketing Deadline: Monday, February 8 Link:?FastCampus 6. [GS Retail] GS Netvision...
News > Notice 2021-02-03
Professor Joel Hurowitz Celebrates Third Mars Rover Milestone
Hurowitz, assistant professor in the Department of Geosciences at Stony Brook University, is going to Mars ? well, kind of. “I have invested my professional li...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-03
Taylor Ha ’18: A Storyteller in Higher Education
for the Marketing and Communications Department at Fordham University.? ? ? When I accepted my first full-time job, I felt like I had betrayed my original drea...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-03
Stony Brook University Hospital Administers First COVID-19 Vaccine
xposure. Kisa King, a resident in the Department of Emergency Medicine at SBUH, received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, administered by Ian Pak, a pharma...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-03
Postdocs Power AI Research at Stony Brook
leaving them was a difficult decision, particularly in a pandemic. However, with the unwavering support from his family and the Institute, Inoue rests assured ...
News > Newsroom 2021-02-03