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IRB (Institutional Review Board, 생명윤리위원회)

Writer Research Support Team Date Created 2023.09.15 Hits482

IRB (Institutional Review Board)

IRB is established to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects, by both advance and periodic review.

"Research on human subjects" refers to research that involves physically intervening in people, conducting research through interaction such as communication and interpersonal contact, research using information to identify individuals, and examination or research conducted on human samples such as human and human tissues.

Board Members

Board is organized with 5 or more members including 1 chairperson, shall not be organized with just one gender, and must include one or more members having experiences and knowledge to assess social and ethical validity and one or more members
who are not employed by the institute.


Based on the
Bio Ethics and Safety Act (Law No.16372) (Link)



SUNY Korea IRB board reviews: 

  • ethical and scientific validity of human subject research plans
  • human subjects, or private information such as human specimens or DNA information, has been obtained according to due process of law.
  • safety measures regarding the human subject or provider of private information such as human specimens or DNA information, and on protection measures for information such as name or resident registration number by which an individual may be identified.
  • issues regarding the establishment, organization and approval of an information bank for human specimens such as DNA, cells, tissue and DNA information.


Request for Review

If advance IRB approval is required for research, please submit an IRB application along with related documents via email to

IRB standard operation guide


IRB application forms
